CPC & CPM Calculator
CPC & CPM & CPA Calculator is a FREE chrome calculator, to help you easily calculate CPM & CPC & CPA metrics.
Currently v1.0.0
CPC & CPM & CPA Calculator
Benefit your business
Our Features
Easily calculate CPM, CPC and CPA , to help you make the best marketing budget
No need to search for CPC/CPA/CPM formula, just click the calculator extension to get the answer
Average total cost calculator to avoid losses caused by calculation errors
Determine the total cost of your clicks,or how many clicks your ad received
Save your time by using Facebook ad cost calculator chrome extension.
Why choose CPC & CPM Calculator?
Give you a better experience
Benefits of using CPC & CPM Calculator
✔ Not only CPC Calculator, but also CPM Calculator and CPA Calculator
✔ Insert different numbers to see fluctuations in campaign costs
✔ Plan strategies better and adjust ad marketing budget
✔ Calculator chrome extension can be opened at any time on any page

When should you use CPC & CPM Calculator
✔ We recommend using at the start of any PPC campaign.
✔ Derive the number of ad impressions, you can use CPM Calculator
✔ Derive the number of ad clicks, you can use CPC Calculator
✔ When your CPA is very complicated, you can use CPA Calculator

CPC Calculator, CPM Calculator, and CPA Calculator help you reduce advertising costs !
It is free now!